9th of May: recalling the necessity of a federal Europe

, by JEF Europe

9th of May: recalling the necessity of a federal Europe

In such difficult times, when Europe is facing its most severe crisis in decades, the Young European Federalists (JEF-Europe) call Europe back to celebrate the 9th of May, the day of European Unity, but above all the anniversary of Robert Schuman’s Declaration for the creation of the European federation and a common destiny for Europeans.

Today and in the following days in thirty European countries the Young European Federalists are committed to celebrate Europe Day by remembering the necessity to join in a full democratic and federal Europe.

"The return to national solutions is not a way out, but the beginning of new problems. Just fully accountable federal institutions will be able to face the crisis, fighting every forms of populism. We need federal Europe. Now.” affirms Carlo Maria Palermo, Board Member of JEF-Europe.

One year before the European elections, JEF calls the Member States, the institutions, in particular the European Parliament, and the European political parties to define a political project for the forthcoming European elections and to consider a new Convention to achieve political, economic, banking and fiscal unity.

“Today we would like to remind the citizens and the policymakers that pluralism and multiculturalism in the EU should be driving forces for successful European unity that is based on freedom, solidarity, transparency and pan–European perspectives for future generations” concludes Pauline Gessant, President of JEF-Europe.

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