Turning Off the EU Tap : a Chance for Bulgaria to Fight Corruption - commentaires Turning Off the EU Tap : a Chance for Bulgaria to Fight Corruption 2021-11-09T19:39:01Z https://www.eurobull.it/Turning-Off-the-EU-Tap-a-Chance-for-Bulgaria-to-Fight-Corruption#comment24050 2021-11-09T19:39:01Z <p>The fact that excluding me, only one person comments on something so hugely important speaks volumes about the interest Bulgarians have in politics and lack of understanding of their ability to make change through protest</p> Turning Off the EU Tap : a Chance for Bulgaria to Fight Corruption 2008-05-09T08:45:10Z https://www.eurobull.it/Turning-Off-the-EU-Tap-a-Chance-for-Bulgaria-to-Fight-Corruption#comment4315 2008-05-09T08:45:10Z <p>On 22 of May 2008 in Supreme Administrative Court in Sofia will be heard the case against Minister Valchev. He did not respond to a previous Supreme Courted Decision to provide public information about the way an application to him (an application for meeting the minister) is considered in his Ministry.</p> <p>Welcome to see how judges try to cover a minister and do not respect their own decision !</p> <p>Brutal and vulgar corruption is a fact in Sofia, and the collapse between Courte and Government is absolutely obvious.</p> <p>Petko Fenersky, Sofia pfenersky<span class="mcrypt"> chez </span>hotmail.com, +359-888-388-876</p>