New design launched for the JEF web magazine

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New design launched for the JEF web magazine

Our website launched a new design this weekend. The aim is to give priority to content and readability. Less gadgets, more white space a bigger font, should all contribute to attain that objective. We hope you will enjoy reading our articles in this new format.

Founded by JEF-France in 2005, after experimenting with publishing daily article during the referendum campaign, the purpose of this website is to provide news and analysis on the political situation in Europe, with a federalist point of view. Many pro-EU websites exist, few also promote radical democratic change. Very soon, the web-magazine became also available in English, publishing articles form the Young European Federalists’ European organization ‘s magazine The New Federalist ; in Italian, with the involvement of JEF-Italy, and finally in German with Treffpunkt Europa coming onboard.

The redesign’s priorities for the homepage were :

  • The latest article : even more than before, today’s article becomes more visible, with a larger photo.
  • Articles published in other languages : although using less on-screen real estate, the latest articles in the different versions of the magazine are displayed right after the main article, hence allowing you to see immediately what is available, if you happen to know other languages.
  • Promoting external content and comments : the homepage provides not only the latest articles published on the website, but also provides a tab allowing you to view links to articles published on other relevant websites, and a tab displaying the latest comments.
  • Explaining who we are : the “About us” box is now more visible, hence allowing new visitors to learn about who is publishing this website.
  • Promoting the several alternative ways to follow us and promote our content through the social networks or by subscribing to our RSS feeds.

For the content page, priority was given to readability with a larger font. The comment system has been transformed as well. You can now use a comment form on the article page, as it is the case on many websites, so that you can read again parts of the articles while writing your commentary. You may display your face or other relevant image by providing an e-mail adress registered with

Despite our efforts, this new version will need some progressive improvements and fixes. Please be patient with us and let us know with your comments how we may provide you with an even better website.


The redesign is the work of Valéry-Xavier Lentz using SPIP as a content management system, and many plugins provided by the community. It also uses the YAML css framework. Thank you to all people who contributed to these projects, allowing others to build great websites.

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