Proposal of a manifesto for a federal Europe: sovereign, social, and ecological

, by Antonio Longo

Proposal of a manifesto for a federal Europe: sovereign, social, and ecological

The Proposal of a Manifesto for a Federal Europe: sovereign, social and ecological, was an idea born in 2021 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Ventotene Manifesto and during the development of the Conference on the Future of Europe. A total of 23 drafters (representatives of political organizations, federalist activists, academics and experts) and 60 supporters have set proposals inspired in the heritage of the Ventotene Manifesto in today’s context: the need to update the European institutional framework in a federal path and improving global governance; the challenges resulting from the war in Ukraine; the health emergency and the climate crisis; the digital revolution; and the challenges to Human Rights as consequences of deepening inequalities. The proposal presented captures a diverse and constructive approach in culminating the necessary European federation.

After its first presentation on the 2nd of March 2022 in Brussels, the Proposal of a Manifesto for a Federal Europe: sovereign, social and ecological was launched in the Island of Ventotene (Italy) on the 29th of August 2022, in occasion of the federalist seminar yearly organised by the Istituto Altiero Spinelli, by a delegation of the Spinelli Group Members in the European Parliament and federalist activists.

Link to the original full text (pdf version) on the review, The Ventotene Lighthouse here.

The complete list of drafters, contributors and supporters can found at the end of the document.

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