Anti-Brexit campaigns must stop their incessant attacks on Corbynism - commentaires Anti-Brexit campaigns must stop their incessant attacks on Corbynism 2018-07-25T13:53:41Z 2018-07-25T13:53:41Z <p>You have to be joking ? Corbyn is one of the biggest enemies of the pro-Remain movement, and has had multiple opportunities to even take power based on the fact he could have advertised Labour as the pro-Europe party.</p> <p>However he has his silly little mind stuck in past politics that don't work in the modern world, and crippled his party to the point of not even being able to put up effective opposition to one of the weakest governments the UK has ever had.</p> <p>I am a socialist, but I can never be a Labour member again after the past 8 years of disappointment and failure.</p> Anti-Brexit campaigns must stop their incessant attacks on Corbynism 2018-07-02T18:09:43Z 2018-07-02T18:09:43Z <p>Well excuse me, princess ! The EU was pushed to the right again and again by Tories and pseudo-Tories, and now Corbyn is criticising the EU for being on the right...</p> <p>This would be acceptable only if Corbyn would attack the Tory policies for pushing the EU to the right. He'd get support from other states and people for trying to move the EU leftwards - it wouldn't be « on the left » as it would first have to reach the center again. But apparently, he doesn't dare to do that out of fear of seeming anti-British.</p> <p>So if he's so afraid that he'd rather face a hard-Brexit disaster that would make his reforms impossible then he's either too much of a coward to deserve our support - or maybe he actually believes that other EU member states should again just give in to British demands because Britain is just so superior - and then he also wouldn't deserve our support.</p> <p>His choice - and your choice to get rid of him if he just want to steer Britain into the abyss.</p> Anti-Brexit campaigns must stop their incessant attacks on Corbynism 2018-07-02T16:11:15Z 2018-07-02T16:11:15Z <p>Article written by a freeloader, supporting freeloaders, moderated by freeloaders so the comment can't be publish #freedomofspeechdeniedunderleftybullies Get a job work hard and look at the uk and eu freeloading scum claiming benefits from your hard work ! When you have grown up and lived in the real world you maybe qualified to comment.</p> Anti-Brexit campaigns must stop their incessant attacks on Corbynism 2018-07-02T08:13:27Z 2018-07-02T08:13:27Z <p>The only problem is of course is that Jeremy Corbyn is now and always has been anti EU. He sees it as a capitalist mechanism aimed at furthering the goals of the few against those of the many and fundamentally anti democratic. One thing you can say with complete fairness about Mr Corbyn is that he is a man of integrity who will stick to his principles. It is difficult therefore to see him as anything other than fundamentally pro Brexit.</p> <p>In the 2015 general election Labour were wiped out in their Scottish heartland, they made a slight come back in 2017 gaining 7 of the 60 seats available, the Conservatives got 13 ! So the views of the northern heartlands would need to be considered very carefully before a change in the Labour stance on EU membership, as Mr Jensen comments, these staunch Labour constituencies “overwhelmingly voted Leave”. One might suggest this is why Labour stood specifically on a pro Brexit platform in 2017, despite the pro EU tendencies of senior members of the Party.</p> <p>With regards to “a reinvigorated Socialists and Democrats group at the European level”, I suggest Mr Jensen spends some time reading political reports and analysis from Europe. The socialist and democrat vote has collapsed around the continent with no indication at all of a resurgence anytime soon. Indeed the current fear being widely expressed is that the EPP vote will go the same way and 2019 could very well see a European Parliament with a majority of anti EU MEPs. Whether they could ever work together is of course a different question.</p> <p>Please pass this on to Mr Jensen.</p>