EU Budget : The Rule of “Deadlock as usual” - commentaires EU Budget : The Rule of “Deadlock as usual” 2020-03-08T17:11:34Z 2020-03-08T17:11:34Z <p>budgetary federalism doesn't mean the « dissolution of the Nation States », it'd just mean applying the subsidiarity principle to the financial counterpart of European democracy.</p> EU Budget : The Rule of “Deadlock as usual” 2020-03-07T21:35:35Z 2020-03-07T21:35:35Z <p>The Members of the European Parliament are directly elected by the citizens in the EU27. I see no contradiction. The EP must be given more power in the budgetary matters to vote on a consequent budget that'll be implemented throughout the EU, cause citizens throughout the EU are invited to take part in this supranational democracy, I don't talk about member states there.</p> EU Budget : The Rule of “Deadlock as usual” 2020-03-07T15:46:35Z 2020-03-07T15:46:35Z <p>"...a consequent budget must be voted by the European parliament and implemented throughout the European Union. ...the European citizens cannot be hostage anymore of the national selfishness of the governments and should help build a genuine European democracy."</p> <p>An action decided by the European Union with no input from citizens to build democracy</p> <p>Do you not see the contradiction in your own statement ?</p> <p>I've never understood why people trust EU politicians to make decisions on their behalf...</p> EU Budget : The Rule of “Deadlock as usual” 2020-03-03T22:32:28Z 2020-03-03T22:32:28Z <p>Surprise, surprise. The response to every crisis is always further federalisation. Go on then, try it, if you think the Peoples of the Ancient Nation States of Europe want it. Because “budgetary federalisation” means the dissolution of those Nations.</p>