The French Laïcité : From a core value to an excuse for stigmatization - commentaires The French Laïcité : From a core value to an excuse for stigmatization 2021-03-03T02:28:17Z 2021-03-03T02:28:17Z <p>The author doesn't have even basic understanding of Islam.! Islam is sociopolitical system that either you are a Muslim or heretic. If you are a heretic who are Athirst, you have to either convert or be killed. On the other hand, if you are a heretic who believes in god but not Muslim, you are a don't have any civil rights and have to pay especial tax called “Jaziah”. This is not radical islam ! This is the god order from Quran ! All Muslims have to obey the Khalifat who is political and religious leader of the people. The author and those who think like her should live for a couple years in an Islamic state, especially as a woman, and become subjugated to Islamic laws before before writing about the evils of Laicite and Secularism !</p> The French Laïcité : From a core value to an excuse for stigmatization 2020-12-28T20:08:42Z 2020-12-28T20:08:42Z <p>Excellent article, merci. J'enseigne la politique européenne aux USA, et votre article me tient à jour sur les débats sécuritaire et sur l'Islam en France, Catherine</p>