Le Royaume-Uni doit-il quitter l’Union européenne ? - commentaires Le Royaume-Uni doit-il quitter l'Union européenne ? 2012-09-02T20:24:36Z https://www.eurobull.it/le-royaume-uni-doit-il-quitter-l-union-europeenne#comment14685 2012-09-02T20:24:36Z <p>Thank you so much for this. Please demand that we be given a referendum as soon as possible. If you really wanted to force the issue you could all demand a new treaty that transferred powers to the EU. We would now have to hold a referendum and as you state the highly Eurosceptic population would say NO. Most of us are tired of the British political elite pretending to be Eurosceptic and then once again ignoring the wishes of the people.</p> <p>Once we have the referendum, I suspect you can go ahead and become a federal state and we can become the trading partner we always wanted.</p> <p>Good luck.</p> Le Royaume-Uni doit-il quitter l'Union européenne ? 2012-08-31T15:39:39Z https://www.eurobull.it/le-royaume-uni-doit-il-quitter-l-union-europeenne#comment14656 2012-08-31T15:39:39Z <p>Mais oui !!! Qu'ils s'en aillent s'ils veulent partir !!! On en peut plus de leurs critiques de mauvaise foi !!!</p>